Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Primitivo Di Manduria, Epicuro, Red Wine

I am becoming what many warned me that I might, a wine snob.  I just poured two bottles of wine out as undrinkable.  I tried letting the first one "breath" by pouring it into a decanter, but it was beyond saving.  The second one still sits on the kitchen counter.  I haven't decided if I'm going to torture it before pouring it down the drain.

Trader Joe's is not a place to ever buy wine unless you know exactly what you're getting.  Several of the wines there taste like grape juice mixed with generous portions of vinegar and cheap gin.  The stuff that used to make people go blind.

Now there is only one bottle of wine left but I don't have much faith in it.  It might be drinkable if I was already very drunk and had no concern or consideration for myself any longer, but that's not the case.  The day is young and I want a wine that tastes accordingly.

It is shameful that a grocery store has better wines and better selection than Trader Joe's wine shop.  It will be some time before I forgive them, if at all.
